
Become a PickupTransfers taxi Supplier

PICKUP TRANSFERS is looking for motivated drivers and reliable transportation companies that are willing to increase their efficiency and productivity. We provide the latest technology and smart solutions to both our customers and the providers. Join our team today.

Frequently asked questions

Does Pickup Transfers operates in my region?
Pickup Transfers plans to expand worldwide. For the regions that is not currently available on our platform – we keep provider’s profiles in our system in order to establish cooperation upon launching in your country.
What is the difference in between individual drivers and transportation company?
Individual drivers usually have 1-2 operational vehicles when the transportation company usually has a big fleet of vehicles and a team of professional drivers.
How old my vehicle can be?
For standard cars usually it is up to 6 years. For some destinations we require luxury class to be no older than 2-3 years.
Which documents are required to register with Pickup Transfers?
License, insurance, professional driving license, documents and photos of the car, certificate of chauffeur standards.
What do I have to excepted from the Pickup Transfers driver’s training?
With our training you will meet with our standards, technology and a definition of a perfect ride as well we will test your communication skills.