

What happens if my flight is early or delayed?
Our Meet & Greet service means that if you provide your flight number when you're booking your airport taxi, we'll be able to track your flight and adjust your pick-up time automatically according to your actual arrival time. Once your flight has landed, your driver will wait for 45 minutes. This should give you plenty of time to pass through security, claim your baggage and head through to arrivals to meet your driver.
How do I pay?
All of our private transport services are pre-paid, which means you pay online at the time of booking. Payment is secure, and we accept most major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal.
Can I cancel my booking
Yes. You can always cancel your booking for free up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled pick-up time. Some of our partners allow a shorter window for free cancellation. Check your booking confirmation for more information.
Can I amend my airport transfer booking?
Making changes to a booking is fairly simple but would depend on some conditions: whether your reservation complies with the cancellation policy, and if the service provider you selected is able to accommodate your request. If your request is still within the cancellation cut-off time, you could simply cancel your existing booking and rebook it with the correct details. If your booking has passed the cancellation cut-off time, please email us to support@pickuptransfers.com ! You will need to provide us with the below details: Full name (the same name used for the booking) Booking number/Booking Reference ID Activity name Details to be amended
What does the price shown in the search results include? What does 'All-in Fees' mean?
The price shown is the total service fee per vehicle, including taxes and tolls. The price may vary according to the supply conditions at the time of your search. 'All-in Fees' means the price displayed includes base fare, taxes, tolls, gratuities, and meet & greet service fees. Additional charges may apply if you require additional services like child seats.
How early after my landing time should I schedule my airport pick up service?
Typically, it is recommended to schedule your pick up 30-40 minutes after your domestic flight landing time if you have check-in luggage, while 20 minutes after would be enough if you only have a carry-on. If you're coming from an international flight, it is recommended to schedule your pick up an hour after landing to give enough time for getting through customs. It's also recommended to call your assigned driver once you've landed to inform them that you've arrived so they know to expect you soon.
What is considered luggage? How many suitcases can I bring? Will my luggage fit the vehicle?
Anything that needs to be stowed away in the trunk of the vehicle will be considered luggage. Carry-ons are bags that you can put on your lap while inside the vehicle. Oversized items (e.g. bikes, strollers, foldable wheelchairs, etc.) will count as 2 pieces of luggage. The maximum amount of luggage allowed is displayed next to the suitcase icon in each product page. Please take that into consideration when selecting your preferred vehicle. Standard luggage measures a total of 62 linear inches (157.48cm) or 27 x 21 x 14in (68.58 x 53.34 x 35.56cm) and should weigh around 50lbs (22.68kg) based on most airline standards for check-in luggage.
What does 'Free Waiting Time' mean?
Free Waiting Time is the amount of time that the driver will wait for you after your selected pick up time - in case you're delayed during immigration, baggage claim, or customs - for no additional fees. Most of our service providers will monitor flight statuses and make sure the driver will be there to pick you up when you land. In case of delays, it is recommended to contact our Customer support or the local service provider in advance and request to extend the waiting period until you can meet the driver. Additional charges may apply.
Are your vehicles wheelchair accessible?
Most of the vehicles will allow you to bring a foldable wheelchair. Please make sure you take into account the amount of luggage you'll be bringing since foldable wheelchairs will take up space in the trunk of the vehicle. We try our best to attend to all your needs, but unfortunately, not all of vehicles are wheelchair accessible. Photos of vehicles with wheelchair ramps will be provided whenever a wheelchair accessible vehicle is available. Please indicate that you'll be bringing a foldable wheelchair on the 'Special Instructions' field right before you confirm your booking.